Become a Member
Help Support the Vacaville Museum
When you join the Vacaville Museum, you are supporting the continued discovery and preservation of Solano County history and our one-of-a-kind collection of local artifacts. Plus, you become part of an institution that gives back to the county where we are so deeply connected.
The Vacaville Museum, a Center for Solano County history and culture, is the only organization whose mission includes cultural and historical preservation for the entire Solano community. Through innovative exhibits, publications and educational programs, the Museum continuously promotes the value of community unity through our shared community heritage.
membership levels
Find the membership that is right for you.
Full benefits for one adult
Full benefits for two adults and children of the same household
Full benefits of Family membership, plus: Discount to Museum programs
Full benefits of Sponsor membership, plus: Vacaville Museum etched wine glasses, Special invitations to select Museum promotional events.
Full benefits of Principal membership, plus: Eligibility to rent Museum Courtyard for one
private event (must meet insurance requirements), Exclusive guided tours of Museum Exhibits
($1,000 annually over five consecutive years)
Full benefits of Patron membership, plus: Two family level gift memberships, Life member pin, Eligibility to rent Museum Courtyard and Gallery for one private event (must meet insurance requirements), Name listing on Benefactors Wall on Museum website, Special invitation for two to annual Life Members event
($2,000 annually over five consecutive years)
Full benefits of Life Membership, plus: Name memorialized on the Museum Major Donor wall
All Museum memberships include:

member newsletter

Invitation to member-only
exhibit receptions

Discount to selected
events and programs

10 percent discount
at the Museum Store
What We Offer
- The preservation and celebration of the rich and diverse history of Solano County
- Community events and projects produced by the Museum
- The creation of dynamic exhibits that display and interpret fascinating themes of local history, art, and culture
- Creative school programming and resource materials
- Introduction to and showcasing of the arts for Solano County’s children
- A unique attraction for visitors to Solano County
- An enriching source for community connection

Vacaville Museum Life Members
Alex & Dee Alarcon
ArFrank & Helen Andrews
(Rick) & Ruth G. Begell
(Paul Bergerot)
Barbara Bessemer
Dennis & Molly Brimhall
(Carol Buck)
Heidi Y. Campini &
(Jim Lawrenz)
Kim & Sandra Chandler
Catherine Cherry
Bruce & Marian Chmieleski Georgia Chun *
Barbara Martell Comfort
(Col. Wm H.) & Jean C. Cox
Layton Damiano
Kathy Adair Davis
Arlene Dodson & H. Blanchard Rogers
(Ennio DePianto)
Monica Espinose
Dave & Buff Fleming
Jay & Donna Fox
Robert & Denise Fracchia
Dale & Norma Garrett
Allan & Denice Haddox
Jennifer Hamilton
Len & (Marge Hartnett)
(Dr. Lee) & Kalo Heldt
(Don) & Claudia Huffman
Archie & Nina Humphrey
Drs. Ken & Jill Hunter
Will & Sue Jensen
Brett & Mimi Johnson
Martin & Jo Ann Joye
Col. (ret.) Maye Liebeck
Linda l. Liscom & (Ed Power, Jr.)
Frank & Anita Lopez
Joseph L. & Annie Lopez
Dr. Eugene Majerowiez
Bille & Earlene McKee
( Jim) & Annette McKenzie Hari Menon & Sarah Olsen
Joe & Kathy Murdaca
Ron &( Deanna) Myhre
Phil & Jan Nollar
(Paul) & Dorothy O’Hara
Rita Onsum
Recology Vacaville Solano
Sandra Green & Madeline Patz*
(Fred) & Marcia Pelser
Dick & Nancy Quinn
Barry & Jill Reynolds
Barry Rico
Richard & Lisa Rico
Dr. Ron & Joan Rushford
(G.Ray) & Audrey Schoch
Brian & Deborah Stevens
John & Diane Thompson
Donald & Nancy Vasquez
John & Shelli Vasquez
JoAn Wade
Ann Waldman
C. C. & Regina Yin
Rich & Diane Power Zimmerman
* Becoming Life Member
( ) Deceased